Goals and Objectives of Phase II .

1.   To organize or improve organization of existing WUAs, to improve  irrigation and drainage systems' management and operation in all selected farms in Fergana Valley at farm and interfarm levels.

2. To assist in introducing reform packet through developing respective legal, economic and managerial framework as well as due to water users' involvement into water management at farm level.

3.   To determine water productivity using satellite images and field experiments, to determine the possibilities of real water conservation; to introduce and train to water demand planning systems and create a structure of innovation service.

The Inception Phase
Goals and objectives
Expected results
Achieved results
Phase II
Goals and objectives
Expected results
Achieved results
Phase III
Goals and objectives
Expected results
Achieved results
Phase IV
Goals and objectives
Expected results
Achieved results
Phase V (interim)  
Goals and objectives
Expected results
Achieved results