Expected results of the Phase III.

Result 1

Pilot Canal Management Organizations are practicing IWRM principles.

Securing, deepening and further developing canal management organizations created under Phase II based on integrated government-public canal organization principles with participation of the water users in the governing body of the canal organizations will receive high priority. Steps made in Phase II shall be consolidated and better anchored at national legislative and regulatory level. This will also include management and training support in water demand planning and water distribution/ allocation, and application of MIS.

The project implementation team, together with the National Coordination and Support Group, will look at getting financial support for rehabilitation of the infrastructure. In addition, the project implementation team shall disseminate the approach among other donor-funded projects, if possible joining hands with other projects in the sector in the Fergana Valley.

Result 2

Created WUAs are distributing and delivering water in equitable and reliable manner using IWRM guidelines.

Emphasis will be to deepening and broadening the support of the WUAs created under Phase II and of disseminating the proven methodology made in WUA creation and management through social mobilization in other areas. The project shall extend its support to sub-WUA level, i.e. Water User groups as intermediary level between WUA and farmers.


Result 3

Improved farming technologies are introduced and disseminated below WUA level.

The improvement of water and land productivity and reduction of drainage shall remain an important task for this phase too. However, during this phase, project will focus on generalizing the methodologies and the disseminating know-how developed within Phase II in collaboration with other projects (RAS/SDC in the Kyrgyz Republic, FOMP/SECO in Tajikistan, etc.) through training of trainers and transfer of technology.

Result 4

Policy improvements and changes at national level .

As an important new direction, this component will focus on governance supporting national efforts at policy level to create the legal and political environment for IWRM including the legal frameworks for WUA and participatory canal management.

Result 5

Sustainable transboundary small rivers’ water resources management in pilot project area

This component coverage is limited to two transboundary small rivers (TSR) -Shakhimardan and Khodja Bakirgan rivers, recommended as pilot systems and having direct linkages to the irrigation systems of the «IWRM-Fergana» Project, in particular – to pilot canals «Aravan-Akbura», «Khodja Bakirgan» and «South-Fergana». «Small Rivers» component should facilitate to achieve the overall objective of «IWRM-Fergana» Project through development of the institutional, legal, financial, technical and other aspects of water allocation with involvement of the wide public and local communities of border districts in neighboring countries (Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan). This new component will be implemented between January 2007 and April 2008 (till the end of the current phase) as it has been suggested by SDC (SDC Mission Report ¹10). The main effort during this period is to start a dialogue for consensus building among local WMOs and communities in ways of managing TSR water resources of Shakhimardan and Khodja Bakirgan rivers. This will be achieved through establishment of Shakhimardan and Khodja Bakirgan Basin Committees, development of projects, regulations on the Basin Committees, water agreements for Shakhimardan and Khodja Bakirgan rivers, participation of the key stakeholders and water users as well as introduction of IWRM principles, enhancing users’ participation.

The Inception Phase
Goals and objectives
Expected results
Achieved results
Phase II
Goals and objectives
Expected results
Achieved results
Phase III
Goals and objectives
Expected results
Achieved results
Phase IV
Goals and objectives
Expected results
Achieved results
Phase V (interim)  
Goals and objectives
Expected results
Achieved results